Well well… My go live message. I am so grateful for anyone who is taking time to check out my new web page.  We’re all busy.

The style of this project is light, logistical and informative. There will be invitations to ponder some of the deeper concepts that go along with worldwide travel.  Yet, our experience is none the less if we take travel at face value.  The pages and posts you see here will be interactive, with root sources. These are places that you might want to visit, or that you’ve already been.

More than anything, I hope this page is motivational.  Get out there, figure out a way.  I recommend saving money before going into debt for vacations.  Debt distracts us from enjoying the vacation, and life in general.  Please see the “Money” page on this website, in the “500 Words” section for more inspiration on how to pay for sweet vacations.

Creating one’s own web page is an exercise in narcissism. This page will strive for the highest levels. I will post photos and observations from a family that has traveled to corners of the world, and has future adventures awaiting. It’s also about informing and inspiring you…Dear Reader. If you follow and poke around this site I can guarantee that you will find places that you never knew existed. May you find added depth in a place you’ve heard of, or visited, or would like to visit in the future.

As a couple my wife Rose and I have made choices, set priorities and managed our goals. Rose is actually the one who has managed our goals. That’s another story. We set enough money away so that every now and then we can travel the world. We can take our children, an eight year old girl and 11 year old boy. Travels with children means accepting a higher level of complexity and stress. The expense and downright hard work can be overwhelming to the point of making the whole thing a non-starter. Equally valid methods of exploring our world include traveling with friends, as a couple, or on business.

Sharing these adventures with our children adds a layer of completeness. Our childrens’ observations and humor are quite similar to their parents. The chance to laugh together with our children while experiencing these wonders makes the extra effort worthwhile. This all translates to one or two major vacations every year or so, and the occasional side trip.  Those of us with children travel to the grocery store, swimming pool, and soccer practice. How about traveling to the Philippines, Canada, Iceland or India?

There might be questions of why I think this story is good enough to post.   There is only one reason why the story is any different than someone else’s. I took the time to find and pay for a domain, find a theme, find a host, and download a bunch of content.

 If our family can do it, many of you can too.

 Adventure awaits…